Do you know what the first basic step for keeping your carpet clean
and prolonging its life is? Vacuuming it at least once a week. Almost
everybody knows that.
But what you may not know is that even if you do
follow this rule, sometimes it’s just not enough. Dust and germs easily
Just think of all of the dirt people bring in your house through
their shoes. Especially if you have kids and pets for hygienic reasons
cleaning often is important. To prolong your carpet’s life and protect
your investment, you should have your carpet cleaned by a specialized
cleaning company at least once a year. The other solution could be to
rent a carpet steamer.
But before that try following these easy steps.
In this infographic
Innovate Carpet will help you out, showing you some tricks and tips to
clean and keep your carpet spotless. Sometimes you just have to ask the
professionals. That is why Innovate Carpets can help you.